very correct
average indomitable human spirit enjoyer
Your style perfectly gets how fun the show feels watching it as a kid. One of my faves of yours!
LETS GOOO!! thank you dude! :,3
I really love how everything follows the gesture! especially the feathers, it adds tons of appeal and grace.
nice rendering style, rly digging how you use sharp edges. great shapes and cute story!
Thank you very much!
This is great! Love the rendering style, especially on the turkey tail. so much texture with the subtle value changes.
Great redesign of tarantulas with a strong silhouette!
Thanks, I'm glad you think so!
always love your rendering style panker, good shit
love this, esp the beginning frames where the hair raises up. nice stuff!
Love this. The composition is very clever and gives it a ton of depth, i particularly like how shadow/sonic separate hero and dark. Your artstyle's also a perfect match for the energy of the piece, great work!
Thank you for the response! A big chunk of the drawing time was dedicated to sketching and planning the composition, so I’m glad that you noticed :)